Category Archives: Giallo Reale Marble

Giallo Reale Marble

Giallo Reale Marble

Today I’d like to highlight an Italian yellow marble that never ceases to amaze me! It is a unique marble with rich variation & movement. On a personal level I have had a bit of a geological history with this material as it has been specified on a few projects in the past which I have worked on. I am rather fond of this stone because of my experience with it. If a stone could have a personality then I would definitely describe it as a stone with passion and poise. Perhaps it is the soft terracotta -peach features sown through the stone or maybe it’s the attraction to the warm & inviting matrix of its toasted caramel like yellow that invokes the eye of the beholder. Whatever it is, I must admit my experience with this stone is truly unforgettable, challenging and rewarding. A special material indeed that does most certainly outshine many other stones in a rockin‘ bouquet!
We offer Giallo Reale Marble in a polished surface finish with a 1cm thickness.

We hope to see you in our Stone Gallery!
Tera McCurdy
Crocodile Rocks, Inc.
Natural Stone Company